Item Menu
Some options may not be available. The system administrator controls these options.

Amend Index Data
A user interface detailing the index data for the chosen item is displayed. The user may then alter the index data. Any amendments made are subject to the administrator specified rules.

Move Page
This option moves a page within a case or from one case to another. When activated a sub window appears. The user enters into the text boxes the appropriate information: page code and ID number. Pressing the OK button initiates the change. Pressing Exit removes the sub window without the move occurring.

Delete Page
This option deletes a page from within a case. When activated a sub window appears. The user enters into the text boxes the appropriate information: page code and ID number Pressing the OK button initiates the change. Pressing Exit removes the sub window without the move occurring, unless OK was pressed.

View Deleted Page
This option views any deleted pages for the currently chosen item from the database.

Restore Deleted Page
This option restores any selected deleted pages for the currently chosen item from the database. When activated a sub window appears. The page number of the deleted page is entered, as is the position within the document to place the page.

Activation deletes the currently chosen item from the database.

Delete for Re-indexing
Activation deletes the currently chosen item from the database. However the documents for this case are placed into a directory, REINDEX, off the batch-indexing directory for the chosen Document Type so that the documents can be indexed again.

Activation restores the currently chosen deleted item from the database. This is only operable if the Search Deleted Items option is checked from the searches menu.

Amend Document Folder
This option alters the document folder for a case. When activated a sub window appears. The user selects the appropriate folder that this document belongs to. Pressing the OK button initiates the change. The document is then allotted to the selected group. Pressing Exit removes the sub window without the change occurring. NB. Once a folder has changed the user may not have permission to view it.

This option allows the user to reindex a case.

Reindex, Delete original
This option allows the user to reindex a case. The original case will be flagged as deleted.

View Audit
When activated a sub window appears. The form allows the user to see the audit history of the chosen item.

View Notes
When activated a sub window appears. The form allows the user to see the notes for the chosen item. Notes may be added. The text of the note is available for FTR purposes.

The case icon in the Results Section indicates the presence of notes.

Start New Composite File
Activation adds the currently highlighted record into a new composite file for insertion into Word documents.

Add Item to Composite File
Activation adds the currently highlighted record into an existing composite file for insertion into Word documents.

Send Item to an In-Tray
Activation sends the currently highlighted record to another user's in-tray.

Remove from In-Tray
Activation removes the currently highlighted record (if viewed) from the selected user's in-tray. The in-tray search must be selected for this item to be available.

Accept Item from In-Tray
Activation accepts and removes the currently highlighted record (if viewed) from the selected user's in-tray. The in-tray search must be selected for this item to be available.

Reject Item from In-Tray
Activation rejects and removes the currently highlighted record (if viewed) from the selected user's in-tray. The in-tray search must be selected for this item to be available.