Routing of documents to an in-tray may be achieved manually or automatically.

Routed documents are sent to the specified user's in-tray. An e-mail may be sent to advise the user of items waiting in their in-tray.

Simple automatic routing can be achieved by setting routes so that the system routes cases to an in-tray depending on values in particular fields of specified Document Types.
Cases may also be sent or routed manually by users via the options available through Indexing routines, e4DM View and e4DM SoftView.
E-mails are sent to the recipient providing the sender can send e-mail and the recipient has an e-mail address.

The Role for a particular Document Type defines the routing /send permissions.
Send Case allows the role to send cases to an in-tray. These cases do not need to be accepted or rejected by the recipient.
Route Case allows the role to route case to an in-tray. These cases must be accepted or rejected by the recipient.

Automatic Routing
Automatic Routing occurs at indexing time. It is governed by the routing rules established by the system administrator.

Manual Routing
Manual Routing occurs at indexing time. The user may choose to route the case to other user(s) by selection. The index template must allow Manual Routing.

In-Tray items
Any items routed to an in-tray are flagged as PENDING and the instigator of the routing is stored.
Any PENDING in-tray items may not be removed from an in-tray.
PENDING items may be Sent to another in-tray, Accepted, Rejected, or Re-indexed by the recipient.
All of these actions will remove the item from the recipients in-tray.
Accepting or Rejecting the item will return the it to the original instigator and remove the PENDING flag.

Once an item is Re-indexed it is removed form the In-tray entirely.