Re-indexing allows a case to be moved from one Document Type to another. It also allows for a case to be further indexed against the original document type.

If a user wishes to re indexes a case they will be given a choice of Index Templates from which to chose.

The Index Templates available to the user are dependant upon whether the user can index a particular Document Type and if the Document Type allows movement out.

If a Document Type does not allow movement out then only Index Templates for the current document type will be available. This will add an extra case containing the index information and pointing to the original case.

If a Document Type does allow movement out then Index Templates for all  Document Types that the user can index will be available.

If an Index Template for the current Document Type is chosen then this will add an extra case containing the index information and pointing to the original case.

If an Index Template is chosen for a different Document Type then the original case will be moved to the new Document Type and indexed with the index data entered.