Softology have recently developed a system which can automatically recognise certain document types, create transactions,
and capture and validate the data from the documents against clients' systems.
The product is called Lenses, and we will have a different lens to recognise each of the types of documents you may wish to process.
The Lenses system is the culmination of various developments we have undertaken for clients over the last 4 years.
The first Lens we have developed is the Lenses for Rating system which captures and validates
the data from a rates bill before sending it to the clients’ Rates System to match data
and allow it to be edited in the client’s Rates System.
Lenses for Rating uses advanced Machine Learning technology to speed through your peek volume rates bills
and produce output in a format that may be imported into your Rating System.
Critically the Softology Lenses system does not use templates to determine how to capture data.
Other data capture systems require templates to be updated when bills or invoices change, or when new clients are launched.
This is often impossible during busy periods, leading to large amounts of data being manually entered into the target system.
Our system does not use templates and learns from processing documents automatically, so no time needs to be
spent in setting up or changing templates.
The Softology Lenses system uses machine learning and pattern analysis to determine the pagination (or transaction boundaries)
and work out where the data is positioned on the document. It is also very successful at using partial data to match records.
This is a key component to the design and productivity of Softology Lenses.