e4DM uses volume management. Documents are stored and referenced in the database by volumes, not by absolute location.

Each volume points to an absolute location and a virtual location for web based systems.

This makes maintenance and storage of images simple. If all the images are moved to a new server simply edit one volume location. If a server fills up simply create a new volume and point the document types at the new volume.

Wherever possible volumes should be UNCs. This means that no network drive mappings are required. Please see Volumes and their Permissions for network permission information.

All existing volumes are displayed upon entry into this option.

Data Entry

Create Volume Location

New volumes may be created by pressing the New button.

Once all Volume changes have been made press the Update button.

Enter a name for the volume. Double click this field to browse for a directory.

Enter the location for the image volume. This may be left blank if the Softology web browser or Workflow is not installed.

Enter the internet/intranet location for the image volume. This may be left blank if the Softology web browser or Workflow is not installed.

Add the new volume to the database.

Edit Volume Location

Volumes may be amended by clicking the required volume from the list presented.

Edit a volume. All fields in the this pane become available

Enter the location for the image volume. This may be left blank if the Softology web browser or Workflow is not installed.

Enter the internet/intranet location for the image volume. This may be left blank if the Softology web browser or Workflow is not installed.

Update the amended volume information to the database.