Drag and Drop
A document (or multiple documents) is sent to Manual Drag and Drop Indexing via e4DM Document Indexing .

A document (or multiple documents) is be sent to e4DM Index by either Drag and Drop or by Send To .

 NB. The original document will be moved to the relevant e4DM volume once indexed.

The required index template is selected within e4DM Index Choices(the previous accessed index template is selected as the default by the system). The Manual Drag and Drop index screen is then displayed.

Data Entry
The index template is preselected. Select a different Index Template to use if required. The template is preselected via the e4DM Index Choices selection.

Potential index data will be displayed according to the rules established in the index template.

Use the left mouse click to navigate the tree to the index point. Once the index point is highlighted the document can be indexed using the 'Index' button.

If the document is to be indexed to more than one index point then navigate to each index point in turn using the left mouse click and once reached use the right click to add to a list of index points for this document listed at the bottom of the screen.

The current index point is also displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the screen. Multiple index points are displayed in a list towards the bottom of the screen.

If the user has permissions to route new cases then the option to Send To in-trays is available.

Free Text  
Any text entered in this box is associated to the relevant database field as configured by the system administrator.

Index Date  
This is an optonal field. Its naming and appearence may change depending on the set up of the index template Any text entered in this box is associated to the relevant database field as configured by the system administrator.

Index Items Individually
If multiple documents are to be indexed in one go and if 

Adds the user entered index information against the document in the database and moves the original document to the relevant e4DM volume.

Clear Fields
Clears all indexing fields of any entered data.

Exits the indexing screen without updating the e4DM© database or moving the original file.

Index Point Buttons
Deletes the currently highlighted index point from the list.

Clears all index points from the list.