Reminders are set through the notes screen.
Once a note has been selected from the list of notes a reminder can be set. The
text of the note will be used as the body of the email that will be sent to the
user's in-tray by the reminder server.
To add a reminder:
Select a note.
Tick the Remind box. Once selected further fields will become available.
Select the user to remind from the drop down list.
Set a time after which the reminder will be sent.
Select the OK button. Selection adds the reminder. The icon of the selected note
will alter accordingly. The date and time for the reminder and the user to be reminded
will be detailed against the note.
NB Repeat the above steps to send a reminder to more than one user.
To delete a reminder:
The Delete Reminder button will be visible if the selected note is identified as
a reminder.
Selection will delete all reminders for the highlighted note.
The icon of the selected note will alter accordingly.